She’s Happy Foundation’s Mentoring Program focuses on exposing our youth to positive role models, instilling values of integrity and service, and building positive young people who will be successful in school and in life.
Mentors are so important in the lives of our youth. When young people see examples of what they can become, they are more likely to take school seriously, to excel in school academically and to graduate from elementary and high school with college aspirations. A good mentor can turn a high school dropout into an honor student. A mentor can show a student a different path in life.
One of the key elements to student success is mentorship. From preschool to college, Black students demonstrate positive academic outcomes in environments where they are supported by healthy mentoring villages.
Mentoring is needed in the African American community now more than ever before. For young people, having a mentor ensures that there is somebody in their life who cares about them and can help them visualize a successful future. In today’s culture, where reality is scripted for television and violence is part of video games, finding a meaningful role model is extremely important.