She’s Happy Foundation Back Pack Give-Away program provides school supplies to low-income youth in the community.  Each year we provide hundreds of school supplies and back packs to children in every city that operates a She’s Happy Hair store. 

Many parents are unable to provide the basic school supplies their children will need to be effective.  It’s unfortunate, but schools across the country are facing major budget cuts and don’t have the funds to purchase necessary supplies.  She’s Happy Foundation realizes there are challenges to raising children in the inner-city and the backpack giveaway is an opportunity to help ease the financial burden for these families in need.  However, the backpack giveaway isn’t just about having the necessary tools for school, but also is an opportunity to assist with a child’s emotional needs as well.

She’s Happy Foundation doesn’t want any child to lack the necessary supplies need to succeed.

Ways to get involved:

  • Donate “New” School Supplies
  • If you want to support but don’t have time to shop you can make a monetary donation that will be used to purchase school supplies
  • You can also provide gift cards to Target, Walmart, Ross, and TJ Maxx